Earth’s neighbouring planet Kepler 452B, which is about 1.5 times the size of our own, is believed to be the most likely candidate for the presence of extraterrestrial civilization. Planet X is located outside of the Milky Way galaxy, around 1400 light years away from the Earth, according to current estimates. In its current state, the Kepler 452B is in a favourable environment for the development of life. Scientists from the University of Cambridge suggest that it is in the midst of an area known as the abiogenesis zone.
UV radiation has a high intensity in this region of the solar system, which is ideal for initiating chemical reactions that are necessary for the formation of living organisms. A perfect habitable region, that is, a distance from its host star where the temperature does not rise or fall above or below a certain threshold for supporting life, is referred to as the Goldilocks zone. Due to the fact that the planet’s position in the zone is so similar to our own, it is commonly referred to as the Earth’s Cousin.
As a result of its mass being bigger than the Earth’s but lower than other planets in our solar system, such as Saturn and Jupiter, it has also been dubbed the ‘Super-Earth.’ They are referred to as “Gas Giants” because of their high levels of carbon dioxide. One of the stars in the constellation of Cygnus, around which the Kepler 452B revolves, is around twenty percent brighter than our Sun and is estimated to be two billion years old.
Several planets have been discovered by the Kepler telescope, which is a NASA observatory that was launched in 2009. Kepler 452B is one of the planets identified by the Kepler telescope, which was launched in 2009. To locate exoplanets, or planets that are outside of our solar system, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 2003. Approximately 4000 planets have been identified so far, with just 50 of them being in the habitable zone, according to current knowledge.###